Brugger und Partner AG

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO

BHP was mandated by the Promotion Activities Directorate of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO to examine the location networks of the knowledge economy in Swiss agglomerations. Knowledge and innovation have become indispensable factors for economic and spatial development in an advanced national economy such as Switzerland's. Because of the increasing specialisation of the economy, corporate networks are becoming more and more important. To carry out this mandate, BHP applied an innovative product, the "Network Assessment". This Network Assessment is based on a unique location database of knowledge-intensive companies, which can be evaluated for targeted regional network analyses. In this way, BHP was able to show how Swiss agglomerations are interconnected at the regional, national, and international levels through the internal location networks of knowledge-intensive multi-branch companies. The focus of the analysis was on three regions: the Zurich metropolitan area, the small and mid-sized cities along the Jura mountains, and the Western Alpine region.
State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
completed, 2013
Standortförderung und Raumentwicklung