Brugger and Partners Ltd.

Project coordination and operational economic development

BHP is involved not only in strategy development. We also support our clients in the implementation of their strategy, and we even take on operational responsibility in this regard. Our services in this area include classical tasks in project management and project coordination such as preparation, moderation, and evaluation of meetings and workshops, stakeholder management, profit and budget responsibility, and much more. Occasionally, we also assume overall responsibility for a business development office or regional economic development on a mandate basis. The associated services are comprehensive: contact point for interested persons and media, initiation and implementation of projects, business location communication, network development, relationships with patrons and sponsors, secretariat responsibilities, etc.

Our expertise in strategic design and operational implementation is often in demand, and we are happy to serve as a "sparring partner" for the discussion of spatially relevant issues, as a critical external eye in the preparation of decisions, or as an external workshop moderator.

Your contact persons

cv_slu.png Dr. Stefan Lüthi

member of the Board of Directors, Partner and Member of the Executive Committee

cv_gc.jpg Guido Cavelti


A selection of our references