Brugger and Partners Ltd.


The cooperation between BLKB and BHP began with the clarification of the internal understanding of sustainability. BHP supported BLKB's specialist department in identifying and framing relevant topics with social, ecological and economic dimensions in the bank's business model. This created the basis for (re)positioning sustainability management in the bank under the term "forward-looking approach". In the next step, BLKB defined measures and an implementation roadmap based on a gap analysis (benchmark). Since then, the bank has worked continuously on various initiatives and is increasingly involved in relevant external networks.

In 2019, BHP together with BLKB designed a materiality process according to the principles of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). In addition to defining relevant sustainability topics, a stakeholder dialogue was conducted with internal and external participants and the sustainability reporting was adapted. A comprehensive and detailed sustainability report informs about BLKB’s management approaches and progress in accordance with "GRI Option: Core".

BLKB is working on anchoring and positioning the “forward-looking approach” within the organisation by means of innovative projects, adjustments to its internal governance and targeted communication measures. BHP is accompanying the bank as a sparring partner and continues to provide conceptual and operational support in the banks sustainability reporting that is tailored towards relevant target groups and in accordance with the GRI standards.
BLKB (Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank)
Time frame:
active, since 2017
Corporate Social Responsibility