Brugger and Partners Ltd.

Valiant Holding AG

In cooperation with BHP, Valiant renewed its materiality analysis in line with the GRI Standards and further established its sustainability management within the company. In the process, the bank sharpened its internal understanding of sustainability, defined the strategic importance of relevant topics such as "business ethics and compliance," "inclusion and fairness among employees," or "direct environmental impact," and formulated an ambition for each topic. The project included a survey of internal and external stakeholders, workshops with the Management Board and with an internal working group, and a market analysis as well as evaluation of the internal status quo.

The process resulted in a revised materiality matrix, the first-ever formulation of ambitions in all sustainability topics, a roadmap with a wide range of measures – in the core business, in HR or for the regarding the company’s social engagements – and a restructured Corporate Responsibility Report, including an expanded GRI Index. A not insignificant part of the project was the further systematization and repositioning of sustainability management within the organization.

BHP provided support in form of in-depth expertise, the conception and moderation of workshops or the implementation and evaluation of the stakeholder survey, and continues to accompany Valiant as a coach and sparring partner including internal ESG training for managers
Valiant Holding AG
Time frame:
active, since 2021
Corporate Social Responsibility; Sustainable Finance