Metropolitankonferenz Zürich
Completed 2019
Retail TradeMunicipal and Urban DevelopmentSpatial Development Spatial and Regional Development Organisation & Association AnalysisFacilitationLocation PromotionStrategy DevelopmentEconomic Development

Structural changes in the retail sector

On behalf of the Zurich Metropolitan Conference, Brugger + Partner developed recommendations and solutions for the retail sector and public authorities to address the digitally driven structural changes in brick-and-mortar retail. Current developments in the retail sector are having significant spatial impacts. Cities and municipalities must actively respond to these trends and developments, considering their unique strengths and perspectives, and define appropriate economic, social, and spatial strategies. The project followed a three-step methodology: First, a foundational analysis structured the interdependencies between the retail sector and public authorities into an impact model. Second, eight case studies were conducted to identify key success factors and opportunities. Third and finally, recommendations and proposed measures were developed in two large-group workshops involving representatives from the retail sector, public authorities, the real estate industry, and other stakeholders.

Updated 13. Februar 2025