Strategy and organisational development for the Labour Inspectorate of the Canton of Zurich
Brugger + Partner supported the Office for Economy of the Canton of Zurich (AWI) in further developing the strategy for the Working Conditions division and the Labour Inspectorate. New challenges arose in this area due to personnel changes, structural transformation, new forms of work, and evolving technologies. Consequently, a review of enforcement activities and organisational structures was required. The process was divided into three modules and carried out in close coordination with AWI management, division management, and the affected teams. In the first module, the foundations were compiled and prepared, and a detailed procedure was defined. The second module involved an analysis of the current state, including an impact model analysis, a PESTEL environment analysis, and an online team survey. Complementary workshops were held to examine key enforcement processes and identify potential areas for optimisation. These findings were used to develop the strategy and define the organisational structure.
Updated 13. Februar 2025