Hochschule Luzern
Completed 2022
Education & ResearchMunicipal and Urban DevelopmentSpatial DevelopmentRegional DevelopmentRegional Policy Spatial and Regional Development Education & Research Analysis

Market analysis of Collaborative Spatial Development master's programme

Brugger + Partner supported the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) in conducting a market, needs, and competition analysis for the establishment of an interdisciplinary master's programme in Collaborative Spatial Development. The objective was to evaluate the potential and demand for such a programme. The market analysis involved examining both demand and supply sides through expert interviews and desk research. Specifically, we consolidated existing trends and challenges in spatial development, estimated demand potential, researched the skills sought in the labour market, and reviewed the current offering of spatial-related degree programmes. From this analysis, we developed a positioning proposal and assessed the effective market potential of the new programme.

Updated 12. Februar 2025