Amt für Raumentwicklung Kanton Zürich
Completed 2014
Municipal and Urban DevelopmentSpatial DevelopmentRegional DevelopmentRegional PolicyTourismEnvironmental Protection Spatial and Regional Development Public Sector AnalysisFacilitationLocation PromotionStrategy Development

Development perspectives for the natural and cultural landscape

Brugger + Partner supported the Office for Spatial Development of the Canton of Zurich in creating a long-term development perspective for the natural and cultural landscape. The goal was to consolidate a cantonal position and outline how administrative departments could align their efforts toward sustainable development, focusing on urban areas without extending settlement boundaries. The project centred on three workshops, preceded by a strengths and weaknesses analysis. Together with representatives from cantonal offices and four regional experts – from the Töss Valley, Zürcher Weinland, Bachsertal, and Knonauer Amt – strategies, tools, and measures were developed to enhance the natural and cultural landscape. This formed the basis for a strategy implementation process, contributing a key element to the Canton of Zurich's long-term spatial development strategy.

Updated 13. Februar 2025