Swiss Retail Federation
Completed 2023
Retail TradeMunicipal and Urban Development Sustainable Society Organisation & Association Analysis

Influence of remote work and rising inflation on consumer behaviour

Brugger + Partner, together with the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, examined the effects of remote work, reduced mobility, and rising inflation on consumer behaviour in the retail sector for the Swiss Retail Federation. The study addressed how shopping and mobility habits have evolved, the implications for retail consumption, and actionable measures retailers can adopt in response to these trends. The research followed a three-step process: First, an impact model was developed to map key interrelationships. Next, the current situation and historical trends were analysed to identify major development trajectories. Finally, a scenario analysis was conducted based on the impact model and the analysis of the current situation, leading to the formulation of targeted recommendations for action. These recommendations and proposed measures were subsequently discussed in a work meeting with the client.

Updated 12. Februar 2025