Glarus Nord
Completed 2016
Site and Real Estate DevelopmentMunicipal and Urban DevelopmentSpatial DevelopmentRegional DevelopmentRegional Policy Spatial and Regional Development Public Sector Location PromotionStrategy Development

Biäsche site development

Brugger + Partner, together with Metron, supported the municipality of Glarus Nord in developing the Biäsche site as an economic development hub in line with the cantonal structure plan. With both the municipality of Glarus Nord and the Canton of Glarus as landowners, the project benefitted from ideal conditions for active site development. To ensure a high-quality and context-appropriate outcome, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the site's potential, framework conditions, and objectives. Various usage strategies were outlined and refined through development scenarios that incorporated urban planning, access development, and open space design considerations. Together with Metron, we finalised a master plan defining the site's operational orientation, access development, and optimal spatial configuration. The entire process was participatory, involving all relevant stakeholder groups.

Updated 13. Februar 2025