Brugger und Partner AG

Impact management

Output isn't what counts – impact is!

The creation of shared value for oneself and affected stakeholders is what many companies and organisations care about today when they plan philanthropic programmes or projects. But at the latest when defining the benchmarks that are supposed to make the success of the measures tangible, many ask themselves the question: "What exactly are we measuring and how?" If companies want to achieve an impact for themselves and their stakeholders, it does not suffice to assess the performance or output of a measure, but rather the focus must be on the entire impact chain from the overarching goal to the means employed and the desired levels of impact – looking not only at the outcome as a learning field, but also the process as such.

Identifying impacts thanks to methodological competence and experience

We advise companies, foundations, and other non-profit organisations equally in the conception, implementation, and evaluation of their impact management, both externally and internally. For this purpose, we do not draw on any single method, because in our experience, no method is a panacea. Instead, we draw on a rich stock of methods and select elements of different process-oriented or monetising methods such as social return on investment (SROI), fitting them together precisely into a pragmatic but expressive set of instruments. We are able to build on our many years of experience in both CSR and international development cooperation, allowing us to grasp the key impact chain quickly. As part of stakeholder management, for instance, we use a clever mix of methods to support companies involved in philanthropy in their efforts to credibly demonstrate the added value of their philanthropic engagement for stakeholders along the entire supply chain and/or for their own employees.